Posts Tagged ‘DuBois Pennsylvania’

Looking Forward – What’s Happening in October?


A lot.

I leave for Dubois, PA in the morning to attend a Pennwriters board of directors meeting. In the past I was only able to attend one meeting a year. The one on the eve of the annual conference.  This one promises to be more detailed and much longer. I’m looking forward to it.

Next week Mike and I are taking the long weekend to go on vacation with friends. Tennessee here we come. I’m looking forward to it.

The week after that I’m scheduled to do a book signing at Trummer’s on Main in Clifton, VA. I’m looking forward to it.

The following weekend is a birthday celebration for Ava, our Granddaughter. She will be three.  It should be a lot of fun. and I am looking forward to it.

Closing out the month, I’m scheduled for a book signing at the Winchester Book Gallery in Winchester, VA. Of course, I’m looking forward to it.

Oh, and I almost forgot, on Halloween I’m scheduled to teach two REACH writing workshops in Fredericksburg, VA. This is an all day event followed by a drive home to pass out candy. I’m looking forward to it.

As for November, check back soon. Whatever it brings,I’m looking forward to it.