

 I have long described myself as a schizophrenic writer.  I’m  a former Senior Staff Writer for a small Washington, D.C. area newspaper, a multi-published, award-winning short story writer, a feature columnist and professional book reviewer. I teach creative writing to children and adults. Each of these endeavors require me to exhibit one of my many different personalities. I hope you visit the site often to see who is writing on any given day.  Enjoy!             Bobbi Carducci

5 Responses to “About”

  1. Fred Connors Says:


    I am not sure how to get plugged into the Area 7 connector.


  2. Talking Tough with Turquoise (or Muave) | The Functional Lunatic Says:

    […] Hack guested on is normally authored by Bobbi Carducci, who proceeds to describe herself on her About page as schizophrenic because she has many writing personalities. Question: Do you realize that […]

  3. E. Harvey Says:

    Hey! You’d asked me if I was interested in writing something for your website/blog – I absolutely am. I don’t know if you got my reply. 🙂 Also, your blog is a good read.

  4. schizophrenicwriter aka Bobbi Carducci Says:

    I don’t recall seeing it. I’m pleased you contacted me again. I’d like to schedule you for mid April. Will that work for you?

  5. Josè Pascal Says:

    Congratulations for your blog. Your posts are very interesting.

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